
I'm Jill, and I know we don't know each other yet, but I have a feeling we are going to get pretty close. You didn't wind up here by chance, you are here for a purpose and I can not wait to watch you walk into that purpose.  

Have you ever felt lost? Stuck? Have you ever felt like something was holding you back and you couldn't shake it? Have you ever been confused?

 Not just with a situation, but confused about your whole life and the direction you should be going? Have you ever felt like you were meant for so much more, but you just don't know how to get there? I was there too. Let me tell you a little about that...

At the beginning of 2020 I felt lost. Everything seemed to be a cloud of confusion and chaos swirling around me with no clear direction.  I felt like I couldn’t step through it. I couldn’t see any way out. I was lonely, I was confused. Nobody understood where I was because I looked like I should have it all together. Yet inside, I was lost.

But I sat there and listened. 

And then it came.

Clarity of what to do, what direction would take me out of the chaos and confusion. I wrote it all out. I poured into it. I began to shift. Every part of my life began to shift. What happened was something so life changing for me, that I knew I couldn’t keep it to myself. 

So, I designed a course that will walk you through exactly what I did. It’s called Pile of Rocks. Just bear with me - I know it's not fancy and it doesn’t make sense now, but you’ll see. We will analyze your current pile, decide how we can adjust and talk about real steps to make the changes that will cause a shift you’ve been waiting for. When you adapt this concept to your life, when you realize you and every part of your life is worth abundance, it’s powerful. And now, you have a plan. 

Join me, now is your chance. You aren’t here by mistake, you are here for purpose. Plus, it’s free, why not see what you are capable of? 

What you'll get:

  • Exclusive access to the 4 week self-guided training modules. 

  • Private access to 4 live community training sessions including Q&A 

  • Access to the On Call Community

Creating the unstoppable life you were designed for.